Refurbished Fine Art Shipping Crates

Why give second live to used Fine Art Shipping Crates?

Additional Fees (optional)

Adjustment shipping crate dimensions – $150.00
Specific delivery date within a fixed window – $200.00
Crate interior cushioning with foam (1″, 1/2″, 2″) – $100.00-$200.00

Average Refurbished Crate cost $400.00 -$1000.00

All interior dimensions are listed without foam cushioning ( usually 2″ thick ) We can replace and adjust interior packaging per request.

refurbished fine art shipping crates

refurbished fine art shipping crates

shipping crates for sale

used art shipping crates
donated refurbished crates
Refurbished crates
fine art shipping crates manhattan

Reusing wood art shipping crates is a sustainable and cost-effective practice that benefits both art handlers and the environment.

Benefits of Reusing Wood Crates:

  • Sustainability: Reducing waste by reusing materials lowers the environmental impact of shipping and handling artwork.
  • Cost Savings: Instead of constantly purchasing new crates, reusing existing ones reduces packaging costs.
  • Conservation: Wooden crates are typically made from high-quality materials, so reusing them maximizes their lifespan and prevents unnecessary deforestation.

Reusing or repurposing crates is a practical and eco-friendly approach that aligns with the growing trend of sustainability in the art and logistics industries​.